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Warrington Borough Council


Cycle Map: Edition 7


Update and overhaul styling of existing cycle map


x1 main map and x5 satellite villages. Scale: 1:16,400 

x1 overview map
x1 town centre inset

A1 (841 x 594mm) folding to A6 (64 panels)


FourPoint Mapping had the pleasure of creating the original Warrington Cycle Map some years ago and continue to update all subsequent editions. Now in its seventh incarnation, the decision was made to overhaul all gradings and classifications of their cycling network, revisit the styling of the map and re-design the cover.


A selection of up-to-date Ordnance Survey datasets replaced the existing road network, buildings, woodland, green spaces and water, and the Council provided extensive information with regard to all other data.


The map now uses the colourful new, simplified system of grading roads in terms of a cyclist’s ability and experience, rather than recommending specific routes. In addition it shows the National Cycle Network, all other cycle paths (both surfaced and unsurfaced), cycle lanes, pedestrian links and shared-use paths. Even subways are included and clearly differentiated. It also features a town centre inset at a larger scale, an overview map of the wider borough, maps of five nearby villages, and is packed with useful information for people who ride bikes in and around the Warrington area. In all, 110,000 copies of this edition were printed and one copy was delivered to every household in the borough.

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